If you're a pregnant mom in Maine, you may be curious about what to expect during each season! Temperature and weather conditions can affect your pregnancy in different ways. 

Here are some tips for being pregnant during each season in Maine!

1. Wintertime - bundle up and stay warm, be careful when walking on icy surfaces, and drink plenty of fluids! 

Being pregnant during the winter can be a special time. You get to experience the joys of pregnancy during the most wonderful time of the year.

What to do:

  • Get outside every day, even if it's just for a short walk. Fresh air and sunshine will do you good!
  • You can also use this time to nesting and get your home ready for baby. Wash all the linens, organize the nursery, and stock up on supplies.
  • Find out what holiday festivals or light shows are available in your area in the month of December. Make sure to take plenty of pics of yourself, even if you don’t feel like it, you’ll be glad you took them! 

What to wear:

  • Invest in a good pair of boots. You'll be doing a lot of walking during pregnancy, so it's important to have a good pair of comfortable boots that will support your feet and ankles. Look for ones with a thick sole and good traction to prevent slips on icy sidewalks.
  • Purchase a warm maternity coat that will fit your growing belly all season long! If you’re on a budget, check Facebook marketing place for a gently used coat. 
  • Dress in layers so that you can adjust your clothing as needed. 

What to be aware of:

It is easy to become dehydrated in the winter when we are less likely to drink enough water. Drinking herbal tea and eating soup can help you stay hydrated and warm at the same time.

2. Springtime - enjoy the warmer weather and fresh air while you can as the snow continues to melt, and take advantage of the many activities that are available outdoors! 

What to do: 

One of the best things about being pregnant in the spring is it gives you a great excuse to spend more time outdoors. Not only is fresh air good for you and your baby, but being in nature can also help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. If you’re looking for ways to enjoy the outdoors while pregnant, here are a few suggestions:

• Take a stroll in your local park or through a scenic nature trail. Just be sure to wear comfortable shoes and bring a water bottle so you can stay hydrated.

• Go for a swim at your local pool or lake as the weather warms up towards May. Swimming is an excellent form of exercise for pregnant women, and it’s also very relaxing.

• Spend some time gardening. Getting your hands dirty in the soil can be therapeutic, and it’s also a great way to get some gentle exercise.

• Have a picnic in your backyard or at a nearby park. Make sure to pack healthy snacks and plenty of water so you can stay nourished.

What to wear: 

When picking out your spring pregnancy wardrobe, it's important to focus on comfort and style. Loose, flowing dresses are a great choice, as they're both comfortable and stylish. Another option is a cute maxi dress with an empire waist, which will give you plenty of room to grow as your pregnancy progresses. Pair your dress with a tight t-shirt on top for a different look!

Also, think about how you can use layers to your advantage. A cardigan or light jacket can be great for transitioning from the cool morning air to the warmer afternoon sun.

What to be aware of: 

Beware of allergies in the spring! Speak to your provider about your allergies and your medication. Some allergy medications are not safe for pregnant women, so it is important to get the advice of a medical professional before taking anything.

3. Summertime - stay cool and hydrated and take regular breaks.

Make sure to, of course, drink lots of water and include electrolytes if approved by your care provider. It's also a good idea to avoid caffeine, as it can dehydrate you. 

Dress in loose, comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics such as cotton, which will help your skin breathe. 

When you're outdoors, try to stay in the shade as much as possible, and use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Take breaks often to rest in a cool, air-conditioned space. 

What to do

  • Find indoor activities like going to the library, seeing a movie or get a prenatal massage
  • Go for a swim (and rock that belly in a bikini)! 
  • Use mornings when it’s cooler to get in your walks or movement for the day! 

What to wear

Dresses and sandals will be your BFF! Make sure to get some sandals in a larger size or with stretchy fabric because it’s likely that your feet will swell in the heat. 

Invest in a good pair (or two) of maternity shorts that can be your “go-to.” 

4. Autumn - get ready for your little one's arrival by stocking up on supplies, nesting in your home, and taking antenatal classes.

While each season has its own unique challenges, autumn can be a particularly difficult time for pregnant women. The changing weather can make it difficult to dress comfortably, and the shorter days can leave you feeling tired and stressed. However, there are a few things you can do to make the most of your autumn pregnancy.

What to do:

  • Plan ahead for cozy nights in, with plenty of snacks and entertainment. Enjoy the indoor activities that might be tough once baby gets here like board games, movies, reading and craft projects!
  • Take the opportunity to join a pregnancy yoga or exercise class.
  • Visit the pumpkin patch with your growing belly and don’t forget a pic! 
  • Get outside and enjoy the crisp autumn air - just be sure to wrap up warm! If it’s your final trimester, plan ahead for any decorating you might want to do for Christmas so you have it ready to go. 

What to wear:

  • Invest in a good coat or jacket that will keep you and your belly warm without being too bulky. Your pre-pregnancy jacket likely won’t zip up anymore, so keep that in mind! 
  • Look for clothes that will transition well from season to season.

Autumn is definitely the best season to be pregnant, if you ask me! 

All seasons definitely have their pros and cons, especially in Maine and especially while pregnant! Remember to enjoy each season as it comes; savor the summer sun, bask in the autumn leaves, breathe in the winter chill and feel the springtime flowers.