Did you know there are more than the typical 3 trimesters of pregnancy? Today I’m spilling the tea on everything you can expect from conception to the mysterious "4th trimester."

I had no idea there was a “4th trimester” until after I’d had 2 babies! I’m so glad I know now! If I’d known then what I know now…everything makes so much more sense.

I’m not only going to share with you what to expect in each, but also a lot of local resources you can use as you plan for your pregnancy, newborn and birth in Central/Western Maine.

Farmington Maine Birth Photographer Mommy and Me greenhouse session in Farmington ME
Farmington Maine Birth Photographer Mom holding daughter in arms
Farmington Maine Birth Photographer Mom holding belly during maternity photoshoot at greenhouse

First Trimester: The Secret Life of Pregnancy

The first trimester is like a secret club where only you and your growing baby are members. During these first 12 weeks, your body is working overtime to create a new life, and you might be feeling the effects (morning sickness, maybe?). It's like you're part of an exclusive group that only fellow expectant moms can truly understand. 

With my first we kept it a secret until Christmas time! I couldn’t hide my bump anymore lol. For my second, it was hard to hide the “morning sickness” (more like all day sickness!) for as long as I did. Everyone started to question me!

Here are a couple resources in Western/Central Maine for the 1st trimester.


For many, the second trimester is the golden age of pregnancy, where you can finally start enjoying the journey. With the nausea subsiding and the baby bump showing, it's time to embrace the experience.

I hear often in the online groups that expecting Mama’s are having a hard time finding reasonably priced maternity clothes. Some ways they’ve shared on saving are 1). Look at buying a size larger or 2 depending on the style you’re wanting to go for 2). Y’all 9 times out of 10 I always ask “Your outfit is so cute! Where did you get it?” And you know what they say? Amazon. 

Third Trimester: The Home Stretch

The third trimester is when things start to get real. As you prepare for your baby's arrival, you'll want to make sure you have everything in place for a smooth transition.

The Nursery 

When it comes to the nursery, some of my clients go all out and have one ready! Then I have some who wait until they’re a little older to put them in their nursery. My first I was prepared before he arrived. With my second…I was about 75% prepared. I guess it just all depends!

Birth: The Main Event

The moment you've been waiting for is finally here: birth! Whether you're planning a natural birth or a C-section, this stage is exciting and emotional!

There’s so many things I could share about my birth experiences, but here are two things I took away from my birth experiences. 

  • No matter how much pain you are in, be it emotional or physical, after all you went through to have your baby is such a relief I can’t even describe it.
  • You will be amazed at what your body can do.

If you want more details on birth, make sure to check out this blog post all about 10 Things Your Doctor Doesn’t Tell You About Giving Birth

Of course, these are moments you’ll always want to remember (even if things don’t go perfectly according to plan). Hiring a birth photographer is something I’ve never heard anyone say they regret! Click here to check out the birth photography services I offer.

The 4th Trimester: What No One Tells You

PLOT TWIST! Your journey doesn't end with birth. The 4th trimester is the first three months of your baby's life, where both of you are adjusting to the world outside the womb.

Just know you are never alone in this motherhood journey. Reach out, ask questions. I’m sure if you did a quick Facebook search, you’d find a group in your area to connect with other moms! You never know until you try :) 

For all my Maine Mamas there’s an amazing program called Maine Families. They help support you and your family's physical and emotional health with access to information and resources. Click here to find a program near you! 

Of course, every journey is unique, and it's okay to feel a whole range of emotions along the way. As long as you've got your support system and resources, you'll be able to navigate this crazy adventure.

Thanks for reading!

Since you made it all the way down here – are you looking for a Maine Birth Photographer? Click here to see more of my Maine Birth portfolio. 

